Child Resistant Packaging &
Ease of Opening for Adults
Child resistant packaging remains one of the most important and certainly the best documented means of preventing accidental poisoning in young children.
The testing of child resistant packaging is an ongoing task with manufacturers constantly producing new designs and more environmentally friendly packaging using less and less material.
The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2008 described Child Resistant packaging as “the best documented cause of the reduction of child poisoning in the developed world”
Accidental poisoning is indeed a significant concern alongside Road Traffic accidents, Fires and Drowning. Many studies confirm that the risk of exposure to poisons increases dramatically at the age of two. This coincides with a child becoming more curious in their environment. At this young age they are also unaware of the dangers of medicines and household products. Its important for caregivers to educate children about the dangers of unknown substances. The most common accidental poisoning agents include prescription medicines and household products.
This is where Child Resistant Packaging helps to prevent accidental poisoning.
Panel testing consists of a child test working with children aged three and a half to four and a quarter years old. A child starts to become more independent within the home environment at the age of two years and so working with children a year older than this safeguards younger children. It is anticipated that if an older child is unable to gain access; a younger child will also struggle. Children are given a safety talk before and after the test to ensure they have an understanding of the dangers of trying to open these packages at home. It is important that they can differentiate between the test pack, containing water, and a pack they find at home.
The panel test also includes adult panel testing to ensure that the packaging is accessible to older adults. 100 adults aged between 50 - 70 years are presented with the packaging and asked to open and properly reclose the package. The pack will only conform to the relevant standard if it passes both the child and adult panel test.
UKAS Accreditation
The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) ensures that organizations demonstrate their commitment to quality and compliance providing assurance to clients on the competence and integrity of the services they receive.
We are accredited by UKAS for compliance with ISO 17025:2017 - General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration laboratories.
We are subject to reassessment every four years and annual surveillance as well as testing our accreditation includes Opinions and Interpretations.
To view our accreditation please click here