The child panel testing is undertaken with children aged 42 - 51 months. Over the years we have built good relationships with our child testing venues. Our contacts understand the importance of child safety and use our activity with the children as part of their social learning. All our researchers have experience working with children and are professionally qualified.


The adult test is carried out with 100 adults aged between 50 - 70 years old. Our adult testing venues consist of hospitals and charities that deliver random samples of adults. In compliance with the standards we test openability by working with adults aged 50 – 70 or 65 – 80.

For every pack tested Davies Development and Testing makes a donation to the venues charity for helping us with our research. Over the years have helped to raise thousands of pounds for worthy causes.


When designing a package it is important for the manufacturer to consider the end user. It may seem intuitive for them as they have designed it and recognize the semiotics of the packaging and the ergonomics to deal with it.

The best way to ensure packaging is functional is to present it to the public and ask their opinion.

A human factor study is used to observe how an individual interacts with a product considering factors including strength, dexterity and cognition. Research has looked at issues surrounding human factors and how they affect the way an individual will approach and use packaging.

We undertake human factor studies concerning packaging based around the concepts and test methods within ISO 17480:2018. Such studies are unique to the client and product. As a first step contact us for a no obligation discussion.

BS EN ISO 13127:2012 - Child resistant packaging - Mechanical Test methods for reclosable child resistant packaging systems


The aim of mechanical testing is to assess already certified CR packaging that have undergone minor changes ensuring that the packs are still child resistant.

Any changes to type approved packaging need to be assessed by risk assessment procedures. The mechanical test offers scientific means of ensuring continued conformance of the packaging standard in this case ISO 8317:2015.

Our UKAS accreditation includes the mechanical standard BS EN ISO 13127:2012. Annex’s A – J require specialist equipment to record data accurately and reliably to ensure conformance to the relevant standard.

The equipment used for mechanical testing measures rotational and linear forces both separately and simultaneously.

All of our equipment is calibrated annually by a UKAS accredited laboratory this gives full traceability to data gathered.

The test methods appear in annexes A - J of the standard.

The mechanical test minimizes costs for the client while ensuring the child-resistant function of the packaging remains effective.

This has been used to certify packages that include different levels of Post Consumer Resin (PCR).